Learning Support in the Senior School
The Study, located on the lower level of the Senior School, is the Senior School’s learning resource centre, with a dedicated staff of learning specialists and tutors. The Study is a caring, inclusive environment open to all students, regardless of academic need, and is a space for students to seek support, study, work on assignments, write tests and ask questions. The Study aims to empower students to recognize that it is possible to reach one’s learning potential through self-advocacy and by building upon the tools required for learner independence.
All grades 8-12 students have access to The Study in their spare blocks, before and after school, or at lunch. Although all students are welcome to The Study, priority in scheduling and space allocation is given to those students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Individual Education Plan (IEP)
An IEP is a documented plan developed by The Study staff for a student with . It describes individualized goals, adaptations, services to be provided, and measures for tracking achievement. IEPs are informed by a psychoeducational assessment, done by an educational psychologist (arranged by the family at their expense) and developed in collaboration with teachers, parents and the students.
Pre-existing IEPs are shared with The Study staff before school starts in September and as new IEPs are written throughout the school year.
For students who do not have an existing IEP but who show learning exceptionalities (diverse challenges or abilities) in class, The Study staff follow a best practices protocol that supports the identification process if there are concerns for a student's learning. First, the classroom teacher may identify any concerns. As part of a response to intervention cycle, an observation in the classroom may be completed by a staff member from The Study; the follow-up includes strategies for the classroom teacher and/or the student may be given a supervised support block. One of our school counsellors may also be involved as appropriate. The Study team will assess a student’s responsiveness; if there is continued concern, a referral will be made for the student to see an educational psychologist. This decision is made in consultation with the family.
The IEP is a dynamic document. Changes may be made throughout the year, after meeting with students, parents and teachers, and/or following an updated educational test.
Skills Block (Block S)
Block S is an afterschool block in The Study that runs Monday to Thursday, 3:30-4:30pm. Block S is open to all students and may be student or teacher initiated. Students work independently but a teacher is available to answer questions (math/science twice a week, English twice a week).
Our dedicated teaching staff provides regular, flexibly scheduled assistance outside of class time to students enrolled in their classes; however, situations arise where short-term or ongoing tutoring would benefit students’ success. In such cases, the school may recommend that families engage a tutor. Tutoring support is available through The Study, with priority given to students with an IEP. Tutoring is $60 per session, billed to the student’s monthly account.
Seeking Outside Supports
In instances where the aforementioned structures and procedures have been diligently followed yet a student continues to face ongoing or escalating struggles that compromise their wellbeing, the school will initiate discussions with the parents to explore alternative options for supporting the child outside the school setting. These conversations aim to collaboratively identify and seek additional resources, interventions, or specialized support that may better meet the student's unique needs and ensure their overall wellbeing and educational progress. This could include further assessment, therapies, outside clinicians or, in some cases, supporting the family in exploring a new learning environment that may better serve their child’s needs.