Accessibility Act
The Accessible British Columbia Regulation, under the , came into force on September 1, 2022. These regulations identify schools as prescribed organizations, school districts, and independent schools, who are required to have an Accessibility Committee, an Accessibility Plan, and a tool to receive feedback on accessibility by September 1, 2023. The goal of the act is to improve opportunities for people with disabilities and involve them in identifying, removing and preventing barriers to their full participation in the life of the province.
The Independent Schools of British Columbia (ISABC) have worked as a collective to put these initiatives in place.
ISABC Accessibility Plan
Please find the or . To provide feedback on the plan, please use this . Questions, comments or feedback regarding the collective ISABC Accessibility Plan may be directed to
Bonnie Fisher at ISABC.
Report An Accessibility Barrier
The ISABC has developed this that allows members of the ISABC community to include information about their accessible experiences. Responses can be anonymous, or a name and contact information can be provided if wished to be contacted. To inform WPGA about an accessibility issue you have observed or experienced, please contact
Jonathan Pike, Director of Operations.